Help save the historic clipper ship City of Adelaide and preserve the ship for future generations!

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We need your help to raise £2,000,000. Please support the return of the City of Adelaide to Sunderland.

Scarf a Community Interest Company (SD SCARF CIC) was set up to enable it to raise funds and pledges for the return of the vessel to where she will be cared for by the enthusiastic and passionate people of Sunderland. Hundreds of pledges of money and time have already been received helping to guarantee success - but time is running out, over £1.5 million needs to be raised to recover the ship.


SCARF - Group

The SCARF group with supporters and ex shipyard workers gathered at the old gates of Sir James Laing shipyard on December 7th 2008 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the closing of the Sunderland shipyards. (Photograph courtesy of Eastwise publications).